9/52 Female: Annie Wibberley
9/52 Female: Annie Wibberley I have chosen to write my 9th post about Auntie Annie Wibberley. The prompt is ‘female’. I have chosen Annie because I haven’t written anything so far about the Wibberley family, my grandfather’s family, and she was the only girl in her family. I first developed an interest in Annie when I was transcribing my great grandmother’s letters. She, my great grandmother Maria Hunt, was married to Brian Wibberley, Annie’s brother. In a letter to her daughter-in-law she wrote referring to her son, Will, who was in England during the first world war: ‘…for by last mail we received word that his Uncle George, (husband of Mr Wibberley’s only sister) had passed away very suddenly. The mail previous we had had a letter from his Aunt Annie ……saying how they were all looking forward to his next visit in March. This was written on the 11th of Jan and on the 14th this great sorrow came suddenly upon her. He went out apparently quite well and r...