23/ 52 Popular Name: Mabel Hunt 1876 -1969

23/52 Popular Name: Mabel Hunt. 1876 - 1969 Mabel was a popular name in 1876. In Victoria alone, that year, a simple search in TROVE brings up over 300 entries. In 2002 there were 11, most of them Funeral notices for a grandma Mabel who is sadly missed. I never had a friend or acquaintance called Mabel and today no one I know calls their daughter Mabel. I hear that my friend, Sue, (a popular name of the 50s!), has a grandchild named Mabel, so it may be about to experience a revival. My grandfather, Mabel Hunt’s nephew, called her Auntie Mab, so probably that’s how she was referred to in the family. There are other now dated names in this family including Ernest, Edith, Winifred, Herbert, Harold, Arthur, Ethel and Gertrude, all names that were popular in the 1870s and 80s. Auntie Mab was the daughter of Elizabeth née Best and William Hunt. Elizabeth, the daughter of a Primitive Methodist preacher from Dorset, married William, a Wiltshire Primitive Methodist minister. With t...