32/52 Library: Mabel Joyce Godlee 1903 - 1998

32/52 Library: Mabel Joyce Godlee 1903 -1998 ‘Mabel Joyce’ was never known as Mabel; in fact she is said to have hated that name. People called her Joyce, but she was Jay to family. She lived to be a very old woman, in a nursing home. A librarian from the Burnside Library would visit the home regularly to bring her books. She had a keen mind, open to learning, until she died. The librarian got to know what she liked, serious literature, and provided it. I realise now that Jay was probably smarter than I knew. Her favourite author was Thomas Mann, the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1929. His 1921 novel, Magic Mountain was set in a sanitarium in Switzerland where in the 1930s Jay would find herself working as a nurse. Mann was a German intellectual who had to flee Germany during the war. In America he suffered under McCarthyism. Jay was a serious reader all her life and as a result, she was a progressive thinker. She was ...