35/52 Free Space: Maria Nightingale.

35/52: Free Space: Maria Nightingale. When I was a teenager, in the 1960s, if an unmarried girl got pregnant she had a very bad time. My mother had a friend who had two nieces in Melbourne who experienced this. They came to spend their pregnancies in Adelaide at the Kate Cox Home and my mother used to bring them out to our place at weekends and support them in other ways. I was told that this was top secret. They had told their friends in Melbourne that they had gone to work in Adelaide and no one was allowed to know the truth. Never Ever! I often wonder if they have since told their husbands and children or even connected with the babies who were of course given away for adoption immediately . I also had a friend who this happened to. She hardly got to see her son, let alone hold him. It was all dreadful. I myself got pregnant when I was 19 and had an abortion which was an experience of gut wrenching grief but I couldn’t have gone through with the adoption procedure. ...